Unlike winter hats, the summer hats don't work as fashion accessories but they become more of a 'fashion shield' which basic job is to save you from the terrifying sun heat which seems to gobble up the beauty of your skin and hair injuring your scalp.
So a better summer hat is one which gives you an enhanced fashionable look all enjoined with an utmost protection from the wrath of the sun. Lets see!
Comfort Count : If the scorching sun is all what terrifies you during any summer, then nothing could be better than Panama hats. Surely, they will give you the coolest 'comfort zone.' The most important feature of such a hat is that it suits everyone irrespective of the wearer's face type and size.
If you love to be all the time at racecourses, whether you are a man or woman, a Panama hat is most suitable of all. Made of carefully harvested straws, they tend to come in a series of stylish designs and colors.
However, such beautiful and and summer hats don't come without making some holes in your pockets as a qualitative and original one will cost you more than thousand dollars. But the style quotient achieved after wearing these colorful hats, available in beige, khaki, ivory, nude and various shades of brown, will be a great compensation.
Daring Look : Gone are the days when Fedora hats were considered to be an exclusive fashion accessories of 19th century gangsters only, Nowadays, you can see many fashionable men and women wearing such hats anywhere down the street. Definitely, they these hats have become a summer status symbol these days.