Origins of Mens Neckties

Ties are used by men to show of status, symbol and wealth. So it is safe to wonder where exactly it originated from. Some might suggest it originated from the European countries like Britain, Croatia or the Romans. All these European countries had created their own neckwear similar to the tie in the past centuries.

It was suggested that the idea of the tie might have originated in China in the 1970s by the terracotta army that wore several beds of cloths around their necks with dangling ends. This was 220BC but strange enough, the end was similarly shaped like that of the tie worn nowadays. But recent discovery reveals there are no records of any neckwear in ancient China.

The British had the cravat which is a scarf worn around the neck. This was mostly worn during the times if George IV and George V but was gradually transformed toward the tie in 1800s. They are also responsible for coming up with the many different styles of wearing the necktie as well as the designs.
The Romans used neck warmers while the Croatians used the ruffles. Croatians used the ruffle as a symbol of success and wealth as power, the gigantic the ruffle, the power he was presumed to have. The French which have been known to have the fashion capital of the world played the vital role which led to Britain's discovery of the tie. After a while of use the ruffle was banned in a number of countries.

Louis XVI who was a ruler in France, with a high taste for fashion was said to have fallen in love with the tie was alone responsible for the acknowledgement of the cravat as a form of fashionable neckwear for men. Britain could have influenced the tie thus we have the Windsor -knot.

Even though the tie was developed it was trendy to wear a black or white tie, but later colour was introduced. Americans and the British introduced the stripe which also became fashionable amongst their populations. Thus an era of colourful tie was started. But even so the tie was conformed to the same styles; it was either straight or simple with no wild or overly bright colours. But with the modernisation and change of style the more colourful ties were a fashionable trend. So it is a normal thing to wander, who really came up with the tie?

A tie is a symbol of wealth with no doubt. It can draw attention to you, whether bad or good attention. It's a known fact that the type of tie a man wears, can determine the kind of woman he draws into his life as it is a simple way of telling her how successful you are without having to speak a word. Can a tie make or break a man then? Why even wear a tie when you risk being choked? Does it really give points during that crucial interview?