How To Get Ready In Five Minutes

Five minutes until your date shows up and you’re still sporting a bathrobe. Ten minutes to get ready for a class that’s an eight-minute walk away. Time is just one of those weird things— there's an infinite supply, but never enough when you need it. Worry not! You may never have the kind of time you want, but you really have all the time you need. That’s why we’re here to provide you with: What To Do When You’re Late Now what? Unless you’re like Cher from “Clueless” and have a computerized closet to coordinate your clothing, save some time by putting on an easy outfit you know looks good. (A dress > jeans and a top, since it’s just one decision instead of two.) Bloomingdale’s make-up artist Anna Briggs suggests splashing your face with cold water to liven the skin and using a caffeinated eye cream (yes, cream that contains caffeine) to wake up your face and take down any puff. As for the zit, no matter how big, go easy on the concealer because its main purpose is to mask the color, not texture. The more cover-up you heap on, the more you’re going to draw attention to the mountain. Skip the eyeliner, but brighten up tired eyes by putting a little white eye shadow in each corner and curling your eyelashes. And remember: you’re never in too much of a rush to deodorize, wash and brush. Never.Now what? You probably smell like books, so rinse off with a speedy shower but bust out a shower cap because you’ve got no time to wash your hair. For times like these, God and Sephora teamed up to create dry shampoo. Spray in this waterless wonder, quickly brush it through your hair and you’ll be greaseless and good to go, according to John Dellaria Salon hairstylist Gerald Carrara. Also, Chanel make-up artist Esther Klahne warns against trying to salvage the make-up you’ve been wearing all day. She suggests quickly cleansing your face with a make-up removing towelette — even if you don’t have time to reapply everything. Clean, vibrant skin beats oily, old make-up. Throw on jeans and a cute top or a simple dress and you’re ready for dinner