Impeccable Fashion Tips For Women’s Clothing

Ladies need tο bе well aware οf thеіr figure kind іn order tο gown properly аѕ well аѕ visually. Eνеrу woman hаѕ a tendency tο possess ѕοmе positives аnd negatives regarding themselves. Nevertheless, wіth proper clothing аnd outfitting women саn highlight thеіr number highlights аnd cover up thеіr flaws. In order tο accomplish thіѕ objective, women need tο know whаt kind οr shape thеу fit іn wіth. Here аrе few tips thаt wουld allow ladies іn order tο classify thеm іn thеѕе figure types. Lew Magram

Pear formed ladies hаνе bееn іn a lot. Thеѕе women аrе usually rounded whісh аrе heavier οn thеіr sides аnd lower thе main entire body. Thеѕе women hοwеνеr dο nοt hаνе аn extensive top раrt. Instead thеу аrе lighter upon thеіr top рοrtіοn. It іѕ therefore simple fοr such ladies tο select specific clothes thаt сουld accentuate thеіr upper рοrtіοn аnd gο ahead аnd take eyes οff frοm thеіr οwn heavier thighs аnd stylish area. In order tο tone thеm a lіttlе, more dаrk colors wіll bе ехсеllеnt bесаυѕе thеѕе colours gives a slimming effect. Cover gowns tend tο bе suitable fοr thіѕ type οf framework ѕіnсе іt tend tο cover body fаt аbουt thе reduce thе main entire body. Printed t shirts, covers, straight skirts аѕ well аѕ V-necks аrе ideal fοr thіѕ kind οf ladies.

Apple shaped women аrе simply thе opposite οf thе pear formed. Thіѕ іѕ due tο thе fact thеѕе women tend tο hаνе a heavy upper body along wіth cumbersome waist аѕ well аѕ large bust-line. Thеѕе women need tο bе very cautious using thеіr shirts, tops аnd οthеr piece οf upper clothing. V-necks wουld bе thе mοѕt suitable cleavage lines thаt сουld truly match thеѕе types οf women. Fashionable overcoats сουld bе worn tο cover tone lower thе waist area thereby mаkіng thеm appear somewhat thinner. Women саn аlѕο gο fοr A-line gowns thаt actually іn proportion thеіr figure providing thеm wіth a pleasing look.

Petite figured girls аnd ѕοmе women аrе extremely short аnd fοr thаt reason іt іѕ іmрοrtаnt tο pick clothes thаt wουld mаkе thеѕе types οf ladies look higher аnd spear lіkе. Thе mοѕt accepted kinds οf necklines thаt wουld really match thеm аrе thе V-necks аѕ well аѕ U-necks. Thе fabrics employed fοr thеіr οwn clothing ѕhουld bе moving аnd very gentle within weight. Short-skirts аrе a complete”NO” fοr short ladies bесаυѕе thеу don’t hаνе long slender thighs. Avoid flashy jewellery аѕ well аѕ add-ons аbουt thе clothing ѕіnсе іt wουld јυѕt mаkе thеѕе types οf ladies keep аn eye out associated wіth location аnd a total fashion catastrophe.

Rectangle shaped women tend tο hаνе quite grеаt number. A few mіght even ѕау thеу look lіkе sports athletes owing tο thеіr οwn trim constructed аѕ well аѕ slender appearance. Gypsy skirts, full skirts, patterns аnd gowns аrе ideal fοr thеѕе women.

A Guide To Buy Plus Size Dress Of Your Choice

Christmas іѕ јυѕt ahead! If уου аrе tall аnd bіg, уου mυѕt thеn dеfіnіtеlу bе іn thе lookout οf a plus size dress. Isn’t іt? Hοwеνеr, thеrе іѕ nο need tο worry аbουt getting a dress οf уουr size іf уου аrе bit oversized. Nowadays, plus size clothing аrе available іn plenty. Frοm casual wear tο party wear, уου саn gеt plus size dresses οf аll types іn thе retail stores.

If уου аrе a busy woman аnd dο nοt gеt much time іn visiting thе local departmental retail stores nearby уουr house, уου mυѕt opt fοr thе online stores. Thе online stores stocks a hυgе variety οf plus size clothing fοr women. Sο, іf уου want tο bυу a dress fοr yourself, јυѕt log οn tο thе net аnd bυу thе dress οf уουr сhοісе wіth јυѕt a click οf a mouse. Yου wіll nοt οnlу find a wide variety οf designs аnd styles bυt аlѕο varying sizes best suiting уουr body structure.

Whatever style οf Plus Size dress уου сhοοѕе, іt іѕ always іmрοrtаnt tο consider thе colour οf thе dress before buying. Fаt аnd bulky women generally look gοοd аnd slimmer іn dаrk colour dresses especially black. Sο, іt іѕ a mυѕt fοr еνеrу oversized woman tο hаνе a black dress іn hеr wardrobe. If уου don’t hаνе one οf such colour, gο аnd bυу one soon!

Another thing οf grеаt importance thаt needs tο bе considered whеn buying plus size clothing іѕ thе сυt аnd design οf thе dress. Chοοѕе thе ones thаt hіdе up уουr faulty body раrtѕ аnd accentuate thе body раrtѕ thаt аrе liked bу уου. Yου wουld dеfіnіtеlу nοt want tο accentuate уουr faulty body раrtѕ tο public! Alѕο ensure thаt thе necklines, cuts, fitting аnd shoulders аrе perfect fοr уου.

Thеrе іѕ уеt another thing, whісh іѕ οf grеаt importance whеn buying thе plus size dress οf уουr сhοісе. Yου mυѕt always сhοοѕе tο bυу dresses frοm рοрυlаr fashion brands. Thе brands generally design аnd manufacture dresses thаt hаνе a unique look. Yου wουld normally nοt gеt dress οf similar design manufactured bу οthеr brands. Thіѕ wουld mаkе уου look unique. Hοwеνеr, рοрυlаr branded plus size garments аrе οnlу stocked іn reputed аnd reliable retailing stores. Alѕο check out whether thе website offers thе returns policy.

If уου аrе fond οf printed dresses, mаkе sure thаt уου don’t gο fοr large prints. Medium size prints аnd plaids best suit fuller figures. Whеn considering thе fabric, gο fοr a plus size dress thаt іn plain аnd textured fabrics. Rаthеr thаn opting fοr thе latest trends, always look fοr those thаt suit уουr body shape thе best. Chοοѕе dresses lіkе long skirts, whісh аrе best plus size clothing available nowadays covering up аll thе bulky calves.

Plus Size Models Leading The Way In Fashion Industry

If уου аrе a size 14 οr higher, thеn уου аrе approximately 65% οf thе North American women trying tο find thе latest іn fashions thаt fit rіght.

Many plus size girls wουld јυѕt cringe whеn іt came tο back tο school fashions, οr something tο wear tο work. Yου wουld find a large size somewhere tο fit, bυt didn’t always gеt much сhοісе іn thе style.

Size 14 аnd up аrе considered plus size. Sο, іf more thаn 65% οf thе population іѕ considered plus size thеn whу аrе аll thе fashion shows аnd latest fashion model rake thin? Many οf thеѕе fashions thаt аrе designed fοr thе super slim girl јυѕt саn’t bе mаdе tο look gοοd οn a plus size girl. Thеу tend tο accentuate thе wrοng areas. Sο whаt tο dο?

Well finally іn thе last couple οf years, design houses аnd fashion houses hаνе ѕtаrtеd sharpening thеіr pencils аnd gearing thеіr designs towards thе plus size girl. Thеу аrе now hiring plus size models tο ѕhοw thеm οff, аnd аrе totally changing thе market.

Gone аrе thе days οf thе black аnd navy blue bag style clothing thаt used tο bе οn a rack іn thе back οf thе local clothing store, аnd now аrе thе days οf plus size fashions іn thеѕе same stores аnd up near thе front. It wаѕ οnlу a matter οf time before people wеrе јυѕt nοt going tο shop fοr thе fashions thаt wеrе dіѕрlауеd οn thе rake thin manikin.

Thе plus size model, now gets tο model clothes thаt hug јυѕt thе rіght spots аnd glance over thе nοt ѕο nice spots. Thеrе іѕ way more tο сhοοѕе frοm thаn thеrе еνеr wаѕ. Bathing suits, dresses, casual wear аnd more hаνе аll bееn touched bу thе plus size designer аnd thе plus size girl іѕ looking chic аnd classy.

Sο, іf уου hаνе bееn putting οff going shopping, simply bесаυѕе уου аrе a plus size girl, thеn уου аrе going tο bе surprised. Bυt bе warned уου аrе going tο need уουr credit card аnd a gοοd day οf shopping. Sο wear those comfy running shoes аnd ѕtаrt walking, bесаυѕе уου аrе nοt longer going tο bе looking іn thе back οf thе store fοr уουr latest plus size fashions.

Plus Size Clothing For Less

Nο need tο keep looking. Curvy Fashion Clothing іѕ one click away. I find іt hard tο find plus size clothing. I аm аn average working Plus size woman. I lіkе trendy, fashionable clothes thаt flatter mу curves аnd shape. I hаtе clothes thаt еіthеr аrе tοο large аnd mаkе mе look lіkе a tent, οr tο tight. Nο need tο bulge out girls! I lіkе clothes thаt аrе Stylish bυt mаkе mе look up tο date wіth thе times. Nοt tοο trendy whеrе mу belly button іѕ ѕhοwіng. (HA,HA!) Yου know whаt I mean, anyways I opened аn οn line store whеrе I сουld bring thеѕе fashions rіght tο уου. Clothes tο fit уουr budget, thаt’s whаt I ѕау.

I want styles whеrе I саn mix аnd match. Jeans soooooooo Comfortable thаt I саn breathe іn. Mу jeans hаνе spandex іn thеm, thеу slenderize, аnd gο wіth уουr body shape. Sο іf уου gain a few pounds, nο need tο worry! Fashionable, trendy Tops tο dress up οr down. A unique dress line coming soon. I аm really excited аbουt іt. Flared skirts thаt flatter уουr hips аnd legs. Jewelry аnd Designer Rhinestone purses tο gο wіth уουr outfit.

I аlѕο pride myself οn exceptional customer service. I want mу customers tο keep shopping wіth mе. Mу best customers, frοm time tο time mау receive a special gift frοm mе. I don’t want thеm tο gο anywhere еlѕе. I аlѕο add a special touch tο уουr order. I want tο gο thе extra mile whеn іt comes tο mу customers. It’s nοt јυѕt аbουt thе clothes. I want mу customers tο know I appreciate thеіr business, mу reputation depends οn іt. Dress іn style, nο need tο change thе way уου аrе. Mу clothes wіll flatter аnd mаkе уου looking absolutely bеаυtіfυl. whу gο anywhere еlѕе ѕtοр looking аnd ѕtаrt shopping.

Fashion Tube tips for What to Wear For a Summer Wedding

If you have a wedding you have to go to, finding the right outfit to wear on the occasion can be exciting and can also be tiring all the same. What you wear for a wedding depends a lot upon the season in which the wedding takes place and also on whether it is an outdoor wedding or not.

The invitation that you get for the wedding can also provide you cues about the kind of event it is going to be, and hence, you can dress accordingly. If the summer wedding that you are going to attend is a black tie event and is after six, this means that it would be very formal and you would require something very formal like a gown.

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Weddings that are so formal are quite rare. With a summer wedding, there is the benefit that it can be a beach wedding, or it can also take place in the garden; hence, you get a lot of choice when it comes to dressing up for the wedding. Considering that it is the summer season and brighter colours can be worn, you can choose something that is fun and enjoyable.

If the wedding is not planned as a very formal affair, you have the freedom to wear a more playful and floral kind of dress that would look not only chic but also very elegant. You can wear flat shoes with such a dress. This would make you look effortlessly beautiful.

If the wedding you are going to is in the summer season and on a beach, you should try to keep things light and airy. This kind of a wedding allows you to dress casually with sundresses, and you can even go to the wedding in your flip-flops or barefoot for that matter.

the fashion tube website and Enjoy Exclusive Sales and Discounts on fashion dresses, Fashion Tips, Advice, New Trends, Teenagers Styles, Fashion Videos, clothings and discounts

Cruise Fashion Trends

Smart packing for cruises ensures that you have fashionable and worry-free trips and cruises. Cruising is not just a vacation, it’s more than that. Dressing up is an absolute must particularly during night socials and while you are in the main dining hall. The policies concerning dress codes have been loosened by quite a few cruise-ships, the premier lines still keep up the old traditions of dressing.

Try to bring comfortable walking shoes, which typically are a pair of sandals. For the pool and the beach excursions, water shoes are a good selection. Another good selection for the pool is a pair of flip flops. For the dining and parties, you can select a pair of formal evening shoes (depending on the dressing code of the restaurant) and a casual pair of shoes for casual dressing.

How many times have you tried to shut and zip up an overflowing suitcase only to be denied at the port or airport because your luggage is at least 20 pounds overweight? Dressing up on cruise does not mean that you have to pack your whole wardrobe. Cruise fashion means smart and practical packing.

In fact, many of the online stores have a larger inventory to offer than do the mall stores and boutiques. On-line stores regularly have better pricing than do the B&M stores. Lower overheads enjoyed by on-line stores equate to savings for you – the end consumer.

Theme cruises include Big Band, Jazz, Civil War, and Cajun. Several cruises are narrated, providing an entertaining history lesson and bringing the Mississippi to life. A common theme is old-fashioned holidays. You and your family can participate in on old-fashioned thanksgiving meal on the Mississippi.

You can find everything for the top of your head to the tips of your toes right where you are. Comfortable shoes and elegant sandals. Fanciful stockings. Sexy skirts and dresses. That perfect sunhat. Intimate wear. Outer wear and every wear in between.

Paddleboats cruised the Mississippi in the 19th century, but most of these ships were working vessels. They carried merchandise as well as passengers up and down the river. Some of the best known ports on the route include St. Louis and Memphis, but the Mississippi runs as far north as Minneapolis and as far south as New Orleans, where it empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

Hottest Summer Fashion Trends 2011

Every shape, size and body type can indulge in one or two fashion trends. Simply find a fashion piece that blends well into your personal style and can be worn with some of your current fashion pieces.

Here are the 2010 hottest summer fashion trends and how to wear them.
Ultra Feminine Sheer Fabrics:Whether it is a silk summer scarf, summer dress, blouse, skirt or shoe embrace sheerness this summer season. Sheer fabric creates billowy, breezy and flirty appeal. Sheer fabrics create the illusion of baring the skin and is super cool in the hot weather.

The key to this summer fashion trend is to only wear one item that is sheer. If you were to wear several sheer pieces at once it would look overdone.

The ideal sheer fabrics are silk chiffon, cotton and linen because they breath well and allow for air to move through the material. If you wear a sheer fashion piece made of synthetic fabric it can actually trap the heat making you feel even hotter. Stick with natural fabrics when indulging in this makeup fashion trend.

Sexy Vibrant Prints:Vibrant prints – abstract, floral an animal – are intensely popular this summer. Color trends for the prints range from bold and bright to soft and subtle. Celebrate the glorious weather by wearing fun prints. Vintage, classic, preppy, minimalist or edgy it doesn’t matter as long as there are some fabulous prints in gorgeous colors.

Invest in a stunning handbag, camisole, tank, t-shirt, sleeveless blouse, hat, scarf or pair of shoes in an inspirational pattern or print.

Edgy Embellished Denim:Embellished denim is a hot summer fashion trend that will carry over into the fall makeup fashion season. Jeans are a standard fashion item for most women.

Cropped jeans, skinny jeans and boyfriend jeans are the most popular trends this year, however, there are literally hundreds of different styles, trends and fits to choose from. Pick the style that fits you best and indulge in a pair of embellished denim jeans.

Look for denim with sparkle, metal or dark studded embellishments at cuffs, belt loops or pocket for added appeal. Embellished denim is a great way to dress up a pair of jeans and give them a more decorative and stylish look

Wearing Fishnet Stockings This Summer

The fishnet tights have a magical touch to enhance not only your looks, but can easily beautify any of your summer women’s clothing, which you wear with it, manifolds. However, the sexier fashion apparel it is, the trickier its way of putting on can be.

Being too enthusiastic, irrationally, while wearing a fishnet stocking, as part of summer fashion trends 2009, can backfire and leave you at the receiving end. Thus, to avoid such fashion faux pas follow the following do’s and don’ts.

Wear Classics Only : While wearing such a fashion apparel, its color and type both matter a lot. It is better not to get lured by too colorful versions. Rather, buy one which matches your skin color nicely. Those which come in black or gray shades rule the most.

Small Gaps : The size of the gaps in the netting used in your fishnet stocking matters too much. So while grabbing your buy, pay special attention to the size of the gaps. If you have curvy legs, there is no way you can buy a fishnet tight with bigger gaps while having a bit flabby legs can be suitable for mid-size gaps. However, avoid too big gaps. You won’t be able to catch even a single fish, literally.

No To Offensive Use : Despite all its ability to give your personality a luring look, it is always found not to be a suitable dress for formal gathering or job places. So try to avoid wearing any type of fishnet stocking when you are supposed to attend a formal office party or while going to office. However, not all the offices ban fishnets on their premises, so if you work in such one, undoubtedly, you are lucky, ain’t you

Plus Size Fashion Today

A big number of customers are wearing plus size clothes in the 21. century.By not dealing in plus size clothing earlier, a large portion of growth has been restricted in the ever-booming fashion industry.Retailers have recognized that for the past years there have been few clothing lines that cater to the larger people.In demand is plus size clothing.Big men and women like to wear fashion.

Women’s plus size starts beyond 14W.Fashionable wear for plus size women is produced.There are a lot of kinds of wear.

Plus size clothing does not imply baggy clothing to hide your over sized figure.
If you choose right fitting clothes it will make you feel more sensuous.The modern plus size fashion will put you on a par with mainstream fashion.With a nice knee length skirt or dress you can show your legs.There is a lot of modern wear you can buy in plus sizes.

Try some accessorizing with scarves and jewelry!.Plus size clothing is for make you feel comfortable and more attractive.Plus size items are available in many different kinds such as underwear or bikinis.Good plus size wear is available in a good department and special stores.

If you do not feel comfortable with free shoulders for example you can wear an elegant shawl around your shoulders.With the right mix and match of clothing to match your size, you can look really sassy in your plus size apparel.Do you like beach parties? If you have been avoiding them because of your size till now, you are really missing some fun.Plus size beach and swimwear has been especially made to support the contours of your body.
The plus size swimwear is made for you to feel comfortable.

Finding a beautiful wedding gown is getting easier too.
No worries anymore to find plus size bridal dress.Plus size bridal gown is available in most department and bridal stores and you easily find the perfect one.

There are several online stores in the internet which offer a huge range of plus size clothes and also mail order shops.
Now you can shop 24 hours whenever you want.

There are more upcomming shops for kids offering plus sizes and on the internet as well.There are pants, knickers, T-shirts, jackets all available for your children.Now you just have to choose if you want to buy that striking leather jacket or that exquisite denim jacket for your child.The options are limitless; all you have to do is choose what you want to buy – the choices are endless.

Fashion Inspired by the Moon and Stars

Over the last few years, an innovative fashion trend known as “space wear” has grown immensely, lending influence to countless designers all across the world. The look, which could be described as both intergalactic and futuristic, can now be found everywhere from the cutting-edge fashion scene to high street stores, sported by both men and women. But space wear has a very distinctive beginning with regard to influence, budding from none other than outer space travel and tourism.

With increasing advancements in aerospace technology, the idea of outer space tourism is becoming more and more widespread. Whether someone is genuinely interested in journeying to outer space, or simply enjoys the idea of it, talk of space travel is all around. And, of course, when an aspect of culture gains attention, as space travel has, its popularity can easily spread to other realms of society as well.

This is precisely how space wear surfaced in the world of fashion. The idea of travelling to outer space on holiday sparked the creation of space wear lines from a number of designers – and each line was an interpretation of what a space tourist might both want and need in terms of fashion in space. Of course, authentic space suits worn by real astronauts are purely functional and practical, with a vital purpose to protect. However, designers veering in the direction of space wear believe that fashion – as well as function – will be important for many space tourists. After all, many people do enjoy looking stylish while on holiday. And space travel is just that: a getaway (that just happens to be in space).

Casual wear looks trendier than formal wear

It is not necessary that trendy men and women’s wear must be expensive in order to be in style. Casual wears are for women and men of all ages and it definitely looks trendier than formal wear. People want to look good all the times but cannot dress up in formal clothing every time. Casual wears are preferred over formal wear due to the fact that it makes people feel good about the way they look. They are more comfortable and relaxing. It is everyone desire to be admired and to look trendy. The carefully selected casual wears gives you an opportunity to live up your life in a casual and an easy way. It truly depicts that how people can be stylish in their own way.

Businesses are more ready to except casual wear in their offices these days. It is convenient to just get in a business casual dress in few minutes and go to work. It looks good and saves your time and also your money. Once can go easy with a denim paired with woven tops or something casual like military jacket. Casual dresses for men and women are ideal for all types of weathers. The cool and lightweight t-shirts keep you comfortable in hot days. Another effect the casual wears have on you is that they make you feel young all the times. If you are in your middle age, it doesn’t mean that you need to wear formal in order to look smart. Casual wears makes you feel young and trendy. It makes women feel more feminine than wearing a pant suit. It is a time to feel you a girly girl. It keeps life simple and uncomplicated, and can be dressed up in few minutes instead of hours. It saves your time to match accessories with your formal dress.

The science of beauty

We like attractive faces turned toward us, and less attractive faces turned away from us. But then, he notes, our brain chemistry can break all the rules and make us drawn to one person, even if their visage is not perfect.

Perrett spoke about his work with The Los Angeles Times.

Q: The work in your lab has produced some general rules of attractive faces. What are they?

A: One rule is symmetry - it does make faces more attractive. But it's a small factor. Another rule is averageness. That may seem contradictory, but we like to choose things that are familiar to us.

Another rule applies to female faces - you can make them more attractive (in computer models) by making them more feminine. For instance, you can make lots of structural changes - taking a broader chin and more prominent eyebrow bones and changing them to a smaller chin and a less prominent eyebrow bones. You can also create a smaller nose and larger eyes. In male faces, you can make them more rugged or masculine, but not all women will agree that the increased masculinity is more attractive.

There are also clues to health in the face. For instance, skin colour - this is not about dark skin or light skin, but rather about redness and yellowness. Ruddiness can tell you about the blood circulation, whether it's poor or good. Yellowness in the skin reveals a plant-based diet.

Q: Do people seek symmetrical partners?

A: Everyone seems to like symmetry, but not everyone likes it as much. For instance, women who find themselves attractive seek more symmetrical men. So the degree to which symmetry matters to someone depends on what they think of themselves.

Symmetry is less important to some people; it actually explains very little about the range of attractiveness in people.

Q: Your research also reveals that not everyone plays by the same rules or focuses on the same things. Can you talk about that?

A: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are so many reasons why we're attracted to one face versus another. The family - particularly parents - affects us. Especially if we get along with our parents, we tend to (but don't always) choose partners that resemble the opposite-sex parent. .

There's also a lot of social learning from peers. If we see our peers giving a lot of attention to one person, then that person might become more appealable in our eyes. We can see that in the influence of Hollywood stars.

The experiences you have with someone - friendship, or more intimate - really affects how you see them. No matter what their face, the chemicals in our brain can lock us onto one person.

Q: You have also charted attractiveness over time. You've written: "We're at our cutest at about 8 months of age, and after that it's all downhill." Explain.

A: One way to chart this is to play around with faces of babies (on the computer). You can expand the forehead and reduce the size of the chin.

By 8 months of age, human babies have a massive forehead and a really diminutive chin - and that's the point at which most people find babies most attractive. After 8 months, the face grows relatively quickly. That gives rise to a less and less cute configuration. We find infants cute and we want to take care of them.

Tips for perfect lips

Your go-to gloss started letting you down, things started falling between the cracks (of your lips, that is) and, before you knew it, that matte lipstick in the window caught your eye.

For all those ready to make a break from gloss but not sure how to make a new relationship with lipstick really work, here's all you need to know to kiss the sticky stuff goodbye, or at least start seeing other products.

Misconception No 1: Lipstick will emphasise "flaws"

Some women shy away from lipstick because they assume it will emphasise perceived lip flaws such as wrinkles and dryness. And while gloss is the worst culprit when it comes to falling between the cracks of your lips, a bit of preparation is all one needs to ensure that lipstick goes on smoothly and doesn't head south.

Start by caring for lips nightly with a light exfoliating treatment and application of moisturiser. You can make a sugar scrub at home by combining a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of water.

Follow up exfoliation with an application of hydrating lip treatment. In the morning, slick on a coat of moisturiser before you begin your makeup routine. Allow it to sink in while you apply your other makeup first and then blot lips before applying lip primer, lip liner and lipstick.

Misconception No 2: Lipstick is too bold for day

Some women eschew lipstick for fear it is just too much for daytime wear. I suppose if your days are destined to be dull and void of colour, this could be true. Otherwise, it's how makeup is combined that really makes it "too much."

Misconception No 3: The colour won't last

Assuming lips are prepped in advance, begin by applying a lip base to enhance lipstick wear and banish colour bleeding.

Lip liner is a must. If you don't have the matching liner, opt for a neutral shade.

Hair straightening a health hazard

Late last year, stylists in the US state of Oregon complained of eye irritation, nosebleeds and breathing issues after repeatedly applying Brazilian Blowout, a liquid keratin straightening treatment.

Oregon's Occupational Safety and Health Administration tested 105 samples of various hair-smoothing products and found unsafe amounts of formaldehyde in all but three brands of them.

The presence of formaldehyde is significant, says Arthur Grollman, a science professor at Stony Brook University School of Medicine.

"My concern is that formaldehyde is a probable human carcinogen that should never touch your skin or anything else," he says.

But despite the nasty buzz on the expensive process, many women seem to think that good hair trumps bad chemicals.

"Am I nervous about the chemicals?" Cohen asks. "Sure. But I'm not willing to give it up." However, at Cohen's last application several weeks ago, the technician wore a mask and gave her one.

At the DeFranco Spagnolo salons in New York Brazilian Blowout is used despite the controversy.

Owner Anthony DeFranco says, "My concern is not so much for the client who only gets it done two or three times a year, but for the stylist who's applying it sometimes two or three times a day. The salon has created a specially ventilated room, and requires masks for both stylist and client. But DeFranco says straightening products "all contain formaldehyde. If they don't, they don't work."

As a fan of the Brazilian Blowout process, what does all the bad news mean to Cohen? "Everyone who does it is uncomfortable with it, but it's like what you do for beauty. I'm still going to do it ... because it works."

Allure magazine has long been covering the Brazilian hair-straightening controversy. In 2007, the beauty publication reported on several salon solutions that contained high levels of formaldehyde, and, just this month, ran a story called Hair Alert.

"These really scary symptoms resparked the issue," says beauty editor Heather Muir, referring to the Oregon stylists. Muir says that using the product is "a lot like when women say 'I feel prettier when I'm tanning'."

Nourish skin from within

We all know the saying "an apple a day keeps the dentist away", but it's not just Granny Smiths that keep our health and appearance in tip top shape.

Avocados can keep more than our teeth pearly white. They work a treat on our skin and hair, and leave our bodies fighting fit with the types of fats we need.

Sydney-based nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pullin, from Nutritional Edge, says avocados are full of monounsaturated fats.

"There's a lipid layer around every single cell in the body and your body needs a constant supply of good fat, otherwise the body goes and produces it itself."

She says foods such as nutrient-dense avocados help the overall health of our skin.

About 10 per cent of an average 100g avocado is made up of these good monounsaturated fats.

An avocado has "no cholesterol in it, so all of these fats really are good fats", she says.

"It's got no trans fats, which are obviously the real nasties, and it's got a tiny amount of saturated, but the body does actually need a small amount of saturated fats for the diet anyway."

Queensland-based company Australian Avocados says the effective combination of monounsaturated fat and antioxidants helps to nourish the skin from within and reduce stress.

The B vitamins in avocados, such as folic acid, help limit the effects of stress on our bodies, internally and externally, adds Bingley-Pullin.

Caviar facial: Hollywood's beauty secret?

Starlets splashed out up to $US7000 for a stylist to prepare them for the big night, when the world's cameras focussed on Hollywood for the climax of the movie industry's annual awards season.

"But I can tell you that very many of the nominees for all of the award ceremonies are having these treatments performed in order to look their best for the celebrations."

His spa offers, among other things, the Kerstin Florian Caviar Facial, charging $US295 for a 90-minute "luxurious treatment (that) will leave your skin looking its best ever".

"Loaded with protein-rich caviar and powerful antioxidants, this facial will have you ready to walk the red carpet, because the results are immediate, leaving the skin looking healthy and luminescent," says the spa's blurb.

The "anti-gravity lift" is a face and neck massage costing $US225 an hour, although a minimum of five sessions are recommended for best effect, or why not 10 for only $US2100?

"This non-invasive treatment re-educates facial muscles to yield a firmer, more contoured and youthful appearance. These structural enhancements become even more pronounced after a series of treatments," it says.

Down the road at the Ole Henriksen Spa on Sunset Boulevard - whose regulars include Katy Perry, Mark Ruffalo and Mark Wahlberg - spokeswoman Kira Kohrherr suggests its Ultimate Total Body Hydra-Dermabrasion Resurfacing as just the thing before heading for the limousine to the Kodak Theatre.

"This state of the art treatment is for anyone who wants an in-depth facial over their entire body, utilising professional grade, high-efficacy serums and LED light therapy," says the spa, whose first celebrity client in 1975 was Barbra Streisand.

"Face, neck, decolletage, arms, elbows, thighs, knees and back are renewed, hydrated and refined," it adds of the 110-minute treatment, which costs $US395.

The spa will not confirm the legend that it was behind the "miracle" transformation of Puerto Rican star Ricky Martin, who suffered from acne in his youth.

Kohrherr notes that the spa's founder Ole Henriksen "doesn't advise celebrities in regards to their dietary concerns".

However, he believes that beautiful skin is dependent on more than just your skincare routine.

"He also focuses on eating a healthy diet, practicing a regular fitness routine and spending quality time with loved ones," she added.

While the prices may seem high, the celebrity spa-goers rarely actually pay them: on the contrary, just like the clothes they wear on the red carpet, they are paid by hairdressers and make-up artists for the publicity they generate.

Picture perfect makeup

The computer can also tell you if your tried-and-tested make-up combinations are actually right for your face, explained Kristina Scherbaum, who developed the programme at the prestigious Max Planck Institute.

"We also take into consideration certain personal facial characteristics, like freckles or moles. Furthermore, we can determine whether or not already existing make-up on a woman suits her face," she added.

The software, currently only available for women, is at the research stage at the moment but could easily be adapted for commercial use, said Himangsho Saikia, who designed the interface system.

"Professional make-up is expensive but with this, you could turn on your computer in the morning, use a web-cam and have your make-up done for you," he said.

The system can also be modified to provide cosmetics advice in different situations, such as jazzy make-up for an evening party or more sober for work.

CeBIT is showcasing the latest technology and gadgets from some 4200 exhibitors and hopes to attract around 350,000 visitors. It runs until March 5.

Meanwhile, Japanese electronics maker Panasonic Corp has launched a new camera that can brush up, clean up and even put make-up on the subject's face.

The LUMIX FX77, released last Friday, has a "beauty re-touch" function that will whiten your teeth, increase the translucency of your skin, remove dark eye circles, make your face look smaller and even magnify the size of your eyes.

For the final touch, it will apply rouge, lipstick and even eye shadow.

There has been huge customer demand for such a product, said Akiko Enoki, a Panasonic project manager in charge of developing the camera.

"According to data we've acquired, around 50 per cent of our digital camera clients are not satisfied with the way their faces look in a photograph," she said.

"So we came up with the idea so our clients can fix parts they don't like about their faces after they've taken the picture."

With the digital camera market saturated, Panasonic hopes the current craze for social networking and blogs that has swept Japan and the world will help lift their product's fortunes

Kirsten Dunst's age of elegance

In this tale, Dunst is a silent star and a lion plays the supporting role. There's no movie, merely a stills campaign in which she is the face of a new Bulgari fragrance, Mon Jasmin Noir. In tantalising images, Dunst is draped in a sheath, dripping with Bulgari gemstones. She sets the style bar high for her generation and for the fragrance's global launch next month.

That's the month she turns 29. Is this critically acclaimed box-office belle redefining her image? "No, not at all," she says defiantly. "My image is that I look sophisticated, I am accessible and I'm young. My style is influenced by a new take on classics. Less is more to me. If I see someone who looks beautiful, I don't see a woman who needs to wear the latest bag. True style is not dependent on that.

"The women I find the most beautiful are Charlotte Rampling and Susan Sarandon; if you're going to be an actress, you're going to need to age otherwise you're not accessible," she says.

"When you see a woman who looks 40 but is not ..." she pauses, "I don't like it when you start seeing all this ..." (Is she talking about Botox? She won't be drawn.)

Sublime asset ... Kirsten Dunst puts her flawless complexion to work in Marie Antoinette.

At my meeting with Dunst, she's cookie-cutter perfect, wearing tight black trousers, a striped tee and ankle boots.

Her porcelain skin was her sublime asset in the title role of Marie Antoinette in Sofia Coppola's 2006 film. And there's a reason for it: "I stay out of the sun and my skin improved when I quit smoking."

She's wearing a gold Bulgari Serpenti watch ("I love simple, statement jewellery") and a white ceramic ring ("I love its sportiness"). It's the B.Zero1, the biggest selling in Bulgari's collection.

Her wardrobe runs from inexpensive vintage to Chanel couture and Marc Jacobs's Louis Vuitton frocks. She's a big fan of New York's Rodarte - "We're good friends," she says of design sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy. Her shoes are routinely Christian Louboutin heels and Chanel flats.

Her first gift of fragrance was from Coppola. She was 18, filming The Virgin Suicides.

"I don't like fragrance that is too girlie. I like subtle florals in the day and sexier and spicier scents in the evening.

"I've never experienced a fragrance like Mon Jasmin Noir, the way it starts out so fresh and gets a little spicier and sexier as the day goes on. I like both vibes. It's like a dark garden. If it was a film, it would be Great Expectations."

Her first experience of Bulgari was in a Four Seasons hotel. "I was very young. The bathroom products smelt so good. I was curious, getting to know the brand; it seemed to be rich, classic and luxurious and I thought about Elizabeth Taylor, all the legendary connections.

"So I knew about Bulgari. I like that this company is both establishment and family.

"Choosing me to do the campaign automatically opens up the doors to a new accessibility to perfume and high jewellery for someone my age.

"And why shouldn't a young woman wear this gorgeous snake cuff?"

She describes the day, on the shores of Lake Como, when she posed for photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott.

The fundamentals of finding a fragrance

Our memories are put to the test as we sniff our way through a dozen of the most commonly used perfume ingredients, beginning with sandalwood and finishing with an amazing material called cis-3-hexanol, which conjures up images of cut grass and is found in fruity fragranced products such as shampoo.

You don't have to be a chemist to take part but you do have to be interested in fragrance. So far, Lambeth has had a chef, a pharmacist, a day-spa operator and a candle maker at his courses.

Today's sniffers include a woman who wants to understand why her perfume tastes have changed over the years and a young man who has been collecting fragrances since he was in high school.

We discover that a perfumer has to discard any prejudices and learn to weigh materials in milligrams. We also learn a perfumer is required to work with scented products from bathroom cleaners to laundry powders.

Lambeth introduces the three primary floral notes used in fine fragrance: muguet (or lily of the valley), jasmine and rose. He talks about materials that enhance, such as aldehydes, and the techniques of analysing perfume formulas.

He covers the controversial topic of natural ingredients. The definition of natural is explored and the benefits of synthetics outlined. These include the ethical considerations of using woods from endangered forests or substances derived from animals, the dangerous nature of some natural materials and how hard it is to construct a scent from the limited number of natural ingredients available.

We learn that an old perfume would have up to 80 ingredients, while modern fragrances tend to have no more than 35. We sniff musk, vanilla, bergamot and artemisa strips. We are now versed in the scent of javanol, which replaces the endangered and expensive sandalwood, and hedione, a versatile ingredient Lambeth describes as "the salt of perfumery" because it brings other scents alive. Terre d'Hermes, he informs us, and L'Eau d'Issey are full of the stuff.

At the end, in a room alive with scent, we use our newly enhanced noses to sniff six unlabelled bases resembling famous perfumes; then we construct our choice. What we choose surprises us all but makes us smell wonderful.

Natural Way To Cleanse Your Skin

As ladies consider their face as their major identity builder, they crave to have best, smooth and glowing skin. Hence they end up in trying different skin care products.

In our daily lives, while we travel or sit at home there are chances that our skin will become bad with the dust or pollution. Here are some of the best home made cleansers, what you can use in a daily basis.

Honey Cleanser : Honey acts as a healer. It is best recommended for acne-prone skin. The healing quality of honey enhances when mixed with plain milk or yogurt. Apply it on your skin and leave for 2 minutes. Later rinse off with warm water.

Carrot Cleanser : Carrot has the quality of both moisturiser and cleanser. Its beta carotene content is the reason behind these qualities. Apply carrot, mixed with yogurt or milk, massage onto your face and leave for couple of minutes. Later rinse with lukewarm water.

Papaya Cleanser : papaya's enzymes exfoliate your dead skin cells. Apply papaya mixed with yogurt, milk or honey and after a while rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Milk Cleanser
: The lactic acid content in milk helps the removal of dead cells. If mixed with oatmeal and applied this will act both as a scrub and a cleanser. This blend will leave your skin fresh and glowing. Keep the cleanser for 2 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Yogurt Cleanser : Yogurt is rich in lactic acid. Hence it will remove your dead cells from your face and gives you a youthful and smooth skin. It extracts dirt and other impurities from your skin. It also helps in opening the pores and let you have a control on pimples. It is advised to rinse off your face with warm water.

You Can Now Prevent Age Spots

The main reason for age spots are that they are usually caused due to sun exposure. They commonly appear on the face, hands , shoulders and the arms.

People over the age of 40 are more prone to these age spots. But, people who are more exposed to the sun have the highest risk of getting these black , brown or grey spots on the skin.

You can now avoid these age spots if you take the right care , you can simply follow these steps to prevent these marks and clustered spots on your body.

1.Make sunscreen your best friend. The use of sunscreen before you expose yourself in the sun will be good for you and thus will prevent these age spots. Apply the sunscreen lotion on the areas of your body that are most exposed to sunlight.

2.Make sure to choose a sunscreen lotion that blocks UVA and UVB rays ahving an SPF of at least 15.

3.You can sport a hat and wear long sleeved clothes that are of thin material during the summer season. This will prevent you from age spots. Wearing a thin shawl will also help you.

4.Try to minimize the exposure of the sun. This is the most important tip that you can do to help yourself from age spots.

Botox Can Leave You With Broken Relationships

Botox users find it hard to frown, look angry or sad and may even be unable to show empathy because of their frozen facial muscles. It leaves you with limited facial expressions that hampers relationships, as people using it may not be able to show their emotions completely.

David Havas, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, led the study, in which he monitored the speed at which 40 volunteers processed written statements with an emotional message before and after receiving Botox injections.

It was observed that after the injections, the volunteers took significantly longer to grasp and react to negative concepts such as being ignored on their birthday or being interrupted during dinner by a telesales call.

Blocking facial expression diminishes the experience of emotions. Our faces are normally alive with activity, which contributes to our understanding of each other, and there is a strong link between our facial expression and our ability to comprehend the meaning of language.

Tips To Stay Slim And Fit

You may not be able to work out regularly in the gym, with your busy schedule. But being a little conscious in the regular activities will help you to stay slim and fit.

Drink lots of water regularly as it will flush out the toxins. It helps to reduce dehydration and keeps the skin fresh. It will make you feel full, avoiding the cravings in between the main courses.

Include lots of vegetables and fresh fruits in the diet. Suppress the cravings for sweets with fresh fruits like bananas, papaya or mangoes instead of bakery items. Avoid snacks as much as possible as it is not good for both your body and skin. Be aware of your diet. Include healthy snacks like nuts or salads, which are beneficial for your health.

Regular exercises bring a natural glow for the skin. If you do not get the time for exercise, find out time from the regular routine- like a brisk walk from the office to the way home or a twist when you watch the TV in the living room, also provide physical exercise to your body. Avoid elevators and go by stairs as these simple activities do help to increase metabolism and burn the unwanted calories. Think about your ways to burn fat and absolutely there is no need for a magic pill for the purpose.

Make it a habit to drink a glass of luke warm water, mixed with equal proportion of lemon juice and honey, in an empty stomach. Lemon-honey detox is a natural remedy to lower the cholesterol level. It cleanses both the body and the skin and also keeps the digestion clear. Lime and honey if applied on the face provides fairness to the skin too.

Drinking green tea which is rich with antioxidants will stimulate metabolism, thus helping losing weight. Green tea contains Epigallocatechin Gallates (ECGC), which increases fat oxidation and thermogenesis, which helps to burn the fat safely and naturally. But avoid sugar while preparing green tea.

Wanna Get Rid Of Sweaty Pits? Take A Botox Shot

n this hot season for those sweaty soaks, a simple yet an effective treatment called BOTOX brings respite from the embarrassment. "Come summer and suddenly we see an increase in men and women coming to us with this common problem. Normally a Botox dose given over a single sitting cures the problem for a year's time. However, the result of this treatment can vary according to the severity of the problem," said Dr Sanjay Parashar, Senior cosmetic Surgeon of Cocoona cosmetic centre , New Delhi.

He further adds, "(Botox injection is an office based procedure, which takes about 25 minutes for this problem, and is virtually painless. The injection targets the sweat glands which are responsible for sweating. Therefore in people who have a severe problem of sweating, Botox is specially recommended. It is highly effective and the result lasts almost 6 months. Additionally the treatment is not expensive. A large number of people like to get this treatment done, to avoid the problems of heavy sweating)".

"Hyperhidrosis" is a severe sweating problem that heightens during hot summer days can bring forth uncontrollable perspiration in the hands, face, underarms, and forehead that are often accompanied by a foul odor that further heightens the level of discomfort experienced. Worse still are for those with Axillary hyperhidrosis, which generally refers to the type of excessive sweating that occurs in the underarm area.

Though surgical procedures are there, a simple Botox shot is all you'll need now to get rid of your perspiring pits of shame. After performing a harmless and painless starch test to locate the sweat glands, the treatment proceeds by injecting the person with small amounts of Botulinum Toxin into the skin of the underarms in approximately 12 to15 places on each underarm.

"Normal activities can soon be resumed, however heavy physical exercise should be avoided for several hours after injection," said Dr Parashar Elaborating on the same he further states that "though a little swelling may occur soon after the injection, the swelling is bound to settle to normalcy in a week's time. Though side effects other than slight swell barely occur, at times one in a lot, may experience side effects as itching, headache and slight pain over the neck region.

Cure Your Dark Circles The Natural Way

1.Hereditary – The dark circle problem can be hereditary. If someone in your family has suffered it, you may be the carrier. In case of hereditary, the skin under the eyes is very think, thus when the blood flows under the eyes it gives an bluish tint and as your skin is transparent, it is very visible.

2.Nutrition – If your body is lacking nutrition, you are likely to develop Dark circle. There is a dent under our eyes. Any unhealthy body condition makes your skin pale thus making the dent under eyes visible. Lack of nutrition, makes your eyes weak, thus, creating the dark circle.

3.Sun Tan – The skin under the eye is very sensitive. Over exposure to sun, tans the skin but tans it more on the sensitive area of eyes. Tanning is the surfacing of melanin on the skin. It happens to a great extent under the eyes making it look dark.

4.Tiredness – Eyes is the most expressive organ of the body, thus any exertion has first effect on the eyes. Tiredness, makes the skin around the yes pale thus, making it look dark.

5.Allergy – Most of us don't realize that we are suffering from eyes allergy. Eyes allergy is an infection which leads to darkening the skin around the eyes.


1.Food For Eyes -
Until You are healthy inside, your dark circles cannot be treated. You need to provide special nutrient to your eyes. Stir Tomato juice, mint leaves, lemon juice and salt and drink it everyday for a healthy eye. This will internally treat your dark circles.

2.Eyes Care – Rub the affected area, with tomato and lemon juice twice a day. If your dark circles are due to sun tan, then this will cure it. Tomato and lemon are natural bleach, which curbs the tan away.

3.Eyes Pack – Make a pack out of cucumber pulp, tomato pulp and Lanolin cream. Apply it to your eyes for best results.

Wipe Off Your Wrinkles With Moisturizer

Scientists have found that dry skin is more sensitive to wrinkles than oily or normal skin type. In the first long-term study which measured the speed of wrinkle development.

Study experts found that women with well-hydrated facial skin develop persistent wrinkles slower than those with dry skin, reports The Daily Express.

The study reports that 28-year-old woman with dry skin, develop visible wrinkle which increases by 52 per cent by the time she reaches 36. On the other hand, wrinkles would increase by just 22 per cent at age 36 if she had well hydrated skin.

Dr Greg Hillebrand, Principal scientists of Olay, on his experiment of 122 women aged between 10 and 72 said, “The results suggest that the quality of the stratum corneum – the skin’s outer layer – can profoundly affect the rate at which expression or temporary lines will turn into persistent wrinkles.

Lunchtime Facelift" The Hottest Cosmetic Trend in LA

Women who have undergone this 5,000 pound surgery say that it is conducted with local anaesthesia and the procedure to this operation is as fast and easy as hair doing,

Beverly Hills based cosmetic surgeon, Dr Payman Simoni is the inventor of this the hottest new cosmetic surgery trend in LA. The facelift has been named after him known as 'The Simoni Lift.'

The News of the World quoted Dr Simoni, as saying, "You will only need local anaesthesia, which is a relatively painless local injection,"

"Patients have a safer procedure and are able to go home right after.”

"The lift removes excess skin and fat from the face and neck area through well planned incisions that start in the hairline and run down in front of the ear, up behind the ear," he added.

Fitness instructor Gina Rolow, 51, while going through the surgery was aware of all the procedures while sitting comfortably on a chair. She said "In the space of an hour I'd probably dropped about ten years, yet I'd been awake the whole time.

Secrets Of Celebrity Bikini Figure

You plan a trip to Goa and the first thing you want is to fit in a Bikini and flaunt you bod in the beach, which mostly gets restricted to a dream. But while we struggle to get a sizzling bikini body, celebrities seem to do it without putting in too much effort or more precisely, their effort has a right direction. Here are some of the secrets of how stars get their hot bikini body.

1.Geri Halliwell – The ex-Spice Girls star, famous for her super toned bod, maintains her figure with yoga and healthy eating.

Geri has abondened rice and chocolate from her food list and takes yoga classes thrice a week. This not only tones her body but also relaxes her mind, which gives her the perfect combination of good body, beauty and brains.

2. Cameron Diaz – Rather than hitting the gym, Cameron likes to tone herself with outdoor sports. She does a lot of surfing, which gives her a flat stomach and tone thighs. She also does a lot of hiking and snowboarding, which works out her legs and behind.

Cameron hates looking skinny but wants to look toned, thus she goes for yoga classes five days a week.

3.Bipasha Basu – near to home, the dusky beauty, is a fitness freak. She hits the gym everyday and does yoga thrice a week. Light weights and cardio are the main two things which Bipasha does.

4.Katrina Kaif – The delicate and mesmerizing beauty of Katrina Kaif is a gift of workout. She does a lot of swimming and yoga. This not only let her have a beautiful body but also a beautiful skin.

Diet For Bikini

Angelina Jolie and Bipasha Basu have one thing in common. They don't have a skinny frame but a bounteous body which is now a trend. Beautiful curves make the best bikini figure. The secret lies in exercise and also a lot depends on the their diet. Lets see what they eat in a day.

Know All About Pimples

Pimples, also known as Zit, is an inflammation of the skin, caused by the malfunctioning of sebaceous glands. These are small glands which excretes sebum, an oily substance which is excreted to lubricate the skin of mammals. Any obstruction to the flow causes irritation which results in pimples.

The sebum excretes from behind the skin and the skin sheds dry skin continuously. Sometimes the dry scale is left behind, which obstructs the flow of the sebum. When it is obstructed, it collects behind the skin, which results in bacterial infection and the causes inflammatory pimples.

Face is the most affected because it is the most sensitive part of the body. To cure the pimples, it is necessary to know what is blocking your skin pores. A constant inflammation can lead to chronic pimple problem.

What A Good Beautician Should Know?

Have you ever thought what would life be without beauty parlours? I am sure the thought of it is scary. To take out time and practice some home beauty regime is quite taxing, thus, beauty parlours and beauticians are the only answer to all our beauty needs and it is also a fast growing industry. Now you can find several big and small beauty parlours on a street but you would want to go only to a few. Those which meet your need and expectation.

I recently shifted to a new location and after settling my room, I went out to look for a good parlour near by. After wandering for sometime I was delighted to find a branded beauty parlour nearby and without second thought went in. The sight of the place it self put me off. The place was not clean, I saw the beauticians using dirty accessories etc. I came out immediately but sometimes we end up realising the faults of the beautician only after an experience, when the harm is already met. Thus, here are some basic signs to judge a good beautician -

1.Comfort Zone – The first sign of a good beautician is that, she should be able to make you comfortable. Beauty parlour is a place where you completely depend on the beautician at that time if she has a bad attitude or behaviour, it puts you off and due to lack of cooperation, the result might be worse. So, don't take risks with your beauty regime.

2.Cleanliness– A beauty parlour should be clean. Beauty parlours always deal with skin and hair both of which are sensitive to infection. It is thus, always said that one should never use the same comb, same towel, beauty products like lipstick etc. Thus, cleanliness is a very important characteristic of a good beautician. She herself should be clean and also keep the place clean. A clean and hygienic parlour is the only place one should go for beauty treatments.

3.Proper Understanding – A beautician should always understand your needs correctly. Understanding your needs is more important at the time of haircut, eyebrow plucking, massage etc. Wrong understanding by the beautician at this time can result in disasters. A good beautician always understands the customers needs completely.

4.Knowledgeable – A beautician preferably should have passed the beautician course. Such beauticians have complete knowledge about the trend, style, style according to face cut, skin tone etc and many other things. She can be your guide to all your beauty related queries and can be the best person to give suggestions.

Trendy Bands For Rubber Band Day

With Lady Gaga launching rubber bands to help tsunami, earthquake and nuclear meltdown victims in Japan, let's take a look at what type of rubber bands are in trend for the spring summer season. Today is the "Rubber Band Day" so sport a rubber band and look cool and unique this season.

Rubber bands have never really gone off trend. In 2010, apart from the usual, trendy men's fashion rubber band watches, a ball gown rubber band dress were in trend. This spring summer season take a look at what's in and what's out in the rubber band trend.

Rubber Band Trend For Spring Summer Fashion 2011 -

1. A rubber band for a cause - set the trend for a cause by wearing a Lady Gaga designer bracelet. The bracelet costs about $5 and the proceeds will help the Japan victims. Your style will a have a special meaning and a message to people around you.

2. Colorful rubber band bracelets – rubber bands as bracelets are much more comfortable in spring summer than bangles or metallic bracelets. They are light, bright and just right for the season.

3. Rubber bands to style your hair - to look stylish one doesn't always have to let hair loose. It is best this spring summer if you flaunt trendy high ponytails or ballerinas with colorful floral rubber bands.

4. Rubber band To accessorize your hand - colorful rubber bands may not only be worn as a bracelet but can also be sported like a watch strap. Match your dress with the colored rubber band and flip the dial for a trendy look.

5. Rubber band for your ankles - those tye-die, glowing, animal print, beach collections of rubber bands can also be worn on ankles and can be flaunted with denims or 3/4 pants. Glow rubber bands can even be worn for parties.

Jalore Wildlife Sanctuary

rue Luxury Tours Jalore wildlife sanctuary is located on the private lands of the Takhur Chouhan of Kaniwara at Jalore (Rajasthan, India). These lands were a gift from the Royal family of Jodhpur seven generations ago to the Kaniwara Chouhan family. The Takhur has made the best use of it by naturally preserving a large amount of his lands with the financial and technical support of True Luxury Tours. The total wildlife habitat of this sanctuary spreads about 190 square kilometers in size.

Distance : Its is 175 Kms From Mt. Abu
140 Kms From Jodhpur
380 Kms From Ahmedabad
250 kms From Udaipur

Accommodation : In order to provide the visitors the maximum amount of attention with all the facilities, a maximum number of eight guests at a time are allowed in Jalore Safari campsite. Such adherence to less number of visitors ensures a high number of wildlife sightings, photographic opportunities and a unique experience of being in the Indian Jungle without disturbances. A one-night two day safari package includes private tent accommodation and one walking safari. So if you want your family to be a part of it, book well in advance.

Visitors are provided with tents that have two single beds with handmade furnitures by local people. The tents have attached western style bathrooms and toilets. Electricity is provided to each tent at night time. Food is usually an aristocratic cuisine. It is served by a sustainable wood burning fireplace during winter and otherwise served in a traditional manner on dining beds. Continental cuisine is also provided to the customers

Special Features : Two wildlife safaris are conducted everyday. Depending on the choice of the visitor he can opt for a safari on foot or by jeep every morning and night. Guards and experienced naturalist, take guests to view and photograph rarely seen animals in their natural habitat. The hired naturalist are highly skilled. They know the hidden locations of many species of animals as they study and document them daily. You will even have the opportunity to see and even photograph rare birds. What more, they even provide special safaris for children to learn about the Indian Jungle, its species and how to protect them.

Safety Tips For Kids Traveling Alone

Ensure that the child has all the required documents especially when traveling internationally as some countries require special documentations like authentic letter, stating that the child has permission to fly all alone.

Contact the person who will pick up the child at the destination and inform them about the timings of arrival. Do let them know that they will have to show identification and sign an Acceptance of Responsibility form. You can even make a list of telephone numbers and home address of the person picking the child from the airport, and keep it safely in the child's baggage. This way, if the child should ever get separated from the flight attendant responsible for them they will have information to show others who can help them get back to their destination.

In addition o all the above information, give the child a picture of the person meeting him/her with the full name, address and phone number written on the back. You will need to provide this information to the airline as well.

It is better to have an emergency contact person and phone numbers in the event of a flight cancellation or delay.

Before boarding the plane teach your children how to use a calling card and teach them how to make collect calls so they can always reach you. If you are planning to give the kid a cell phone, make sure it can be used out-of-state or overseas.

Ensure the kid has some extra money, including foreign money, in case of a problem with the cell phone.

To make the child feel comfortable on his/her flight, pack a backpack full of their favorite snacks and activities to keep them busy during travel. The Backpack should have a tag with the child"s name and address securely attached.

If possible, buy your child nonstop tickets only. However, if change of planes is necessary, use a small, less intimidating airport for the transfer.

Walt Disney World - A Destination Which Every Child Desires To Be

Magic Kingdom : A research states that the park saw an estimated 17 million visitors in 2007, making it the most visited theme park in the world. The major attractions here are Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Square, Fantasyland, Tomorrowland and Mickey's Toontown Fair.

In Adventureland that kids can explore foreign lands. It is themed to resemble the remote jungles in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America and the South Pacific, with an extension resembling a Caribbean town square. It contains classic rides such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Jungle Cruise too. Frontierland has classic attractions where guests can relive the Wild West that range from cowboys and Indians, to exploring the mysteries of the Rivers of America. Liberty Square is home to the Haunted Mansion and the Hall of Presidents. Tomorrowland is themed to be an intergalactic convention center. Classic attractions include Space Mountain and the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway. These are just the few attractions to name the many. So, make sure no to ignore it when you are at the Disneyland.

EPCOT : EPCOT Center is a theme park with the flavor of a World's Fair. It is dedicated to international culture and technological innovation. If the kids are science geeks then they will surely love the place.

Disney's Hollywood Studios - Disney's Hollywood Studios does not have a defined layout, unlike other Walt Disney World parks. It is more a mass of streets and buildings that blend into each other, much like a real motion picture studio would. The major attraction of this park is, the ultimate Star Wars thrill ride. Kids will enjoy movie set adventure, where kids can climb, crawl and explore in the larger-than-life interactive playground where anthills are mountains, LEGO bricks are hiding places and blades of grass tower like trees. Kids can also join the fun of their favorite fuzzy pals as they take them on a hilariously wacky 3-D tour of Muppet Labs.

Disney's Animal Kingdom - It is the largest single Disney theme park in the world, covering more than 500 acres. It is also the first Disney theme park to be themed entirely around animal conservation, a philosophy once pioneered by Walt Disney himself. Major attraction for the kids here would be the DinoLand U.S.A , Asia - fictional village Anandpur and Africa – a fictional village of Harambe. In DinoLand the kids can whoosh back to the primeval times for a wild ride of an expedition to complete a dangerous mission. The Asian and the African Zone in the park, mainly consists of exploring the daily life of the wild animals and birds. One can climb aboard an open-sided safari vehicle for an expedition seeing many African animals. Animals from Africa freely roam through acres of savanna, rivers and rocky hills. You can also see giraffes, hippos, elephants, rhinoceroses, lions and other animals. In Asia, among the many other attractions,you can raft down the turbulent waters of the Chakranadi River aboard a 12-passenger raft through an enchanting Asian rain forest. Here you will ride past a blazing inferno, a rushing waterfall, and geysers. Be ready to get completely soaked in water.

Body Hair Removal Methods

Worried about unwanted body hair? Body hair removal is possible to remove unwanted hair. It is to be done under the supervision of a licensed professional. Many of you might be having a desire to remove unwanted body hair from your adolescent age.

Unwanted hair on the body can be irritating and always troublesome for any one. Due to the hair growth in different body parts like legs, face, bikini line or armpits or any other body parts, most of the men and women are very concerned in the unwanted body hair removal process.

Many different body hair removal techniques are available to get rid of this unwanted hair. Some of the most common techniques are discussed here. Try to know about them and choose the one which suits to your skin type.

An Effective And Expensive Approach In Body Hair Removal: Laser Treatment

One of the most effective ways in body hair removal permanently is through laser hair removal treatment. It is considered as the fastest way to remove excess body hair permanently.

Unlike electrolysis hair removal, where each of your hair follicle should be treated individually, making the process time-consuming and also painful, lasers can have impact on several hair follicles at once, which can make the process faster.

This laser treatment really works well in removing hair from the chest and back and also from arms and legs.

Simple Guidelines To Follow After The Treatment

  • Try to avoid hard work and exercises for the first 24 hours, as perspiration from exercises can raise the irritation level caused by laser.
  • Avoid exposure of your skin from sunrays for certain weeks and then try to apply sunscreen lotion whenever your skin is exposed to sun.
  • Don’t pluck the hairs or avoid waxing between the periods of laser treatment.
  • Don’t scrub the treated areas of your skin. Try to wash gently with water and also ensure to use mild soaps.

Less Expensive And Also Effective: Waxing

Waxing is also considered as one of the best methods in body hair removal techniques. This is the less expensive method of body hair removal when compared with laser treatment and even electrolysis. Waxing can be very useful in removing the hair follicles out from their shafts.

Beauty Sleep

You know how important good nutrition and exercise are for your health and beauty, but do you know sleep is crucial too? When you doze you're getting more than rest. Sleep researchers say your body is healing and repairing itself. For this reason, dermatologists often suggest using your most "active" skin creams before bed. To avoid puffy, bloodshot eyes, dark under-eye circles and a pale washed-out complexion -- and for peak alertness and energy -- experts say you need eight hours of sleep a night.

Here are some things you can do to help you get the sleep you need.

  1. Listen to white noise or relaxation CDs. Some people find the sound of white noise or nature sounds, such as the ocean or forest, to be soothing for sleep.
  2. Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. This will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep.
  3. Sleep in complete darkness or as close as possible. If there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room it can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and seratonin. There also should be as little light in the bathroom as possible if you get up in the middle of the night. Please whatever you do, keep the light off when you go to the bathroom at night. As soon as you turn on that light you will for that night immediately cease all production of the important sleep aid melatonin.
  4. No TV right before bed. Even better, get the TV out of the bedroom or even out of the house, completely. It is too stimulating to the brain and it will take longer to fall asleep. Also disruptive of pineal gland function for the same reason as above.
  5. Read something spiritual or religious. This will help to relax. Don't read anything stimulating, such as a mystery or suspense novel, as this may have the opposite effect. In addition, if you are really enjoying a suspenseful book, you might wind up unintentionally reading for hours, instead of going to sleep.
  6. Avoid using loud alarm clocks. It is very stressful on the body to be awoken suddenly. If you are regularly getting enough sleep, they should be unnecessary.
  7. Journaling. If you often lay in bed with your mind racing, it might be helpful keep a journal and write down your thoughts before bed.

Anti Aging Tips

Do you know anyone who actually doesn’t want to look younger than their age? Do you think is it possible to slow down the process of skin aging? Yes it is possible to slow down the process of aging.

If you are really concerned about your skin, then try to follow these simple anti-aging skin care tips to look younger than your age.

As we all get older, our skin basically loses its moisture and flexibility and our skin texture becomes dull and lifeless. There are many factors, which can actually play a vital role in making your skin dull and blistered. These harmful factors can mainly include sun, foods which we regularly eat, polluted air and even insufficient hydration make your skin to look older than your age.

But, here is good news for you, if you take good care of your skin at early ages, you can easily succeed in gradually slowing down the process of aging of your skin. Always remember that you can never stop skin from aging but you can simply postpone or delay the process of aging of your skin.

So, here are certain anti-aging skin care tips, which can greatly help you in the process of anti-aging of your skin. Try these simple anti-aging skin care tips and maintain a healthy youthful skin.

Best Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips!

Explore the causes of aging and try to stay away from it!

Extreme skin aging mainly occurs by certain free radicals, which will make your skin to age faster than it has to be. So, try to know more about these free radicals and try to stay away from them.

Give a deep skin cleansing treatment for your skin!

A deep cleansing treatment, once for every 5 weeks gives better nourishment for your skin. Particularly if you have oily skin, then this deep cleansing treatment is best suitable for you in your anti-aging skin care treatment.

Avoid overexposure of your skin to sun!

Exposing your skin to sun eventually makes your skin dry. Since dry skin is the main source for skin to look aged, it becomes very essential for you to prevent your skin turning to dry. So, in order to prevent over exposure, try to use sunscreen lotions whenever you go out in the sun.

Drink plenty of water along with healthy diet!

Drinking more water and maintaining a well-balanced healthy diet can help you in delaying the process of aging of your skin. So, if you really want to make your skin youthful and glowing, try to drink more water along with eating healthy diet.

Naturally Beautiful

Naturopathy is fast gaining popularity around the world for its safe and effective healing. In Indian homes, home remedies come before the trip to the doctor. All ailments are believed to be caused by what you eat and what you don't eat. A traditional Indian doctor will first make slight adjustments to your diet before he prescribes a medicine, which is the last resort.

There are various forms of medicine in practice in India, such as Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, etc. Ayurveda is based on the theory that with proper diet and corrective therapy aided by massages, techniques of respiration and through meditation, all problems can be cured. Yoga therapy corrects respiration and all bodily imbalances by the use of different postures that facilitate the above and initiate recovery. Yoga is practiced by itself and can be combined with other therapies as well. Diet plays a very important role in Unani medicine as well. When an illness is being treated, diet is controlled during the initial stages and if the problem persists, medicine is administered.

Similarly, skin ailments are also naturally cured. Be it acne, dryness, a rash etc. In fact, in India skin care and beautifying rituals have such an important place that there are 16 steps to complete care. These are cumulatively called Solah Shringar or 16 adornments. These start with the pre-bath oil massage and go up to the perfuming step. The beautifying ritual for a bride begins with a ceremony in which a mixture of gram flour, turmeric and mustard/vegetable oil or clarified butter is rubbed on her. Then she is given a manicure and a pedicure with milk and on the big day she is bathed in milk and rose water. Milk softens the skin and the rose water cools and deodorizes the body.

For those with oily skin, a mixture of gram flour and turmeric makes for a great scrub and face pack removing excess oil and cleansing the face. There are many such concoctions that Indian women use even today for problems as varied as colds and unwanted hair.

Following are a list of such mixtures guaranteed to work very effectively and if they don't work as desired, you can be sure that there won't be any side effects since these are completely natural.


For cough, cold and fever, lemon is very effective. Squeeze a lemon in a glass full of water and drink repeatedly. This will cure all three. But if the fever is high and makes you thirsty, boil the water. This will bring down the fever and reduce the thirst. If the cold is severe, add required amounts of honey in the above mixture. Another very beneficial method is: cut a lemon in half, add in it salt, ground black pepper and powdered molasses. Heat this and squeeze the juice directly on the tongue.

If you don't like the freckles on your face, rub a piece of lemon on them everyday and they will lighten considerably. Sprinkling a little alum on the lemon works wonders for the complexion. Rubbing half a lemon on the teeth not only makes them shiny and bright but will also cure bad breath.

If you are looking to lose some weight, before crash dieting try this: add a little salt and one lemon to 350mls of lukewarm water. Drink this daily on an empty stomach. If you prefer honey to salt, you can substitute. Drink this mixture every time you feel thirsty. Try this for a month and you are sure to see results


Milk should ideally be consumed in the morning since it is believed that the heat of the sun digests milk. Adding sugar to milk is very harmful since it not only induces phlegm, it also destroys the calcium content in it. It should be drunk at room temperature if possible, or cold. But if you prefer warm milk then don't overheat it. Overheating destroys all its beneficial elements. For the sweetening of milk and easy digestion, add honey to it. Never drink milk if you are suffering from cough, constipation, diarrhea, stomachache or indigestion. For acidity, drink cold milk twice a day. And for tiredness a glass of warm milk will prove effective.

For wrinkles, pimples and blemishes apply warm milk and wash with water. Do this regularly before sleeping at night, it will solve your problem and improve your complexion. Adding a little saffron to a spoonful of fresh milk and applying on the lips will cure their darkness and make them softer.

If you are suffering from an itchy rash, add a little water to some milk and apply on the rash with cotton wool and then wash. It will stop the itch and cure the rash.


Salt is good only in small quantities and rock salt is better than sea salt. Eating excessive salt weakens the gums and is also the cause of body odour. Due to excessive consumption of salt, body cells die and these dead cells come out from the pores through perspiration. This makes the odour very strong and foul. To help the situation, eat salt in very small quantities. Salt is very drying, thus excessive amounts of salt causes unnatural thirst. Small quantities of it can be very beneficial.

Want To Be A Fashion Stylist?

It is the job of a fashion stylist to help a client figure out what "look" he or she desires and then help him or her get it. If a rocker chick is looking to tone it down for an interview, if an aspiring executive hopes to look the part, if a politician needs a new image, or if a mom desires to reclaim a lost sense of style and sophistication, he or she might consult a fashion stylist.

Ultimately, a fashion stylist is an image consultant. Professionals in this line of work have a keen fashion sense that is paired with an equally strong ability to recognize the desires and individuality of their clients. It is no big secret: we come in all shapes and sizes, and we have various personalities and lifestyles. We all want to look good, but we all want to look...well, like ourselves. A fashion stylist knows how to help clients choose outfits and accessories to compliment body type and sense of individuality.

Becoming a fashion guru takes dedication, experience, and pizzazz. Most fashion stylists start out in the fashion industry - working in various positions, including retail sales, buying, advertising, and journalism. Our tip to stylist hopefuls: soak up all of the knowledge and experience of the fashion industry that you can. Whether you start out selling pantyhose at Macy's or picking up the fashion editor's morning latte, keep your ears and eyes open! Knowing and learning as much as you can about the fashion industry will only prepare you to launch your own dream career.

Tips for buying stylish sunglasses

One of the most important accessories for summer is stylish sunglasses. If you do not know which styles are the trendiest this fall, take a look there! This summer you have a wide choice as there are many styles you can select from. We provide you with 10 most fashionable ideas:

1) One of the hottest trends of sunglasses this season is Ray-Ban's Wayfarers. This style of sunglasses was particularly popular in 1950's and 1960's. This year thay made a significant came back. Such sunglasses come in classic black, vintage bright colors or new two - toned frame choices which create the ultimate classic style.

2) The 70's style thicker frames have been popular for a few years already. However, you should be very careful if you decide to choose these retro style - inspired protections of sun. They should be appropriate for your face features and not to look too big.

3) Tortoise shell glasses are all still very hot this year. Stylists think that they will probably go out of style soon, but this year they are still fashionable. They are universal because they can be worn with any style of clothes. A good investment for a difficult financial times!

4) One of the lattest trends in sunglasses are the gradient lens. These sunglasses emphasize lenses, which are usually half shaded from top to bottom, and not frames. Different color lenses will make you to look modern and very stylish.

5) The round "John Lennon" style sunglasses were particularly favoured by hipies. Later they were associated with such celebrities as Philip Johnson, Le Corbusier, Dominick Dunne or Gandhi. These sunglasses helped to created unique and noticeable style. This year "John Lennon" style sunglasses made a huge come back especially for women. So, if you want to attract lots of attention, these unusually looking sunglasses are a perfect choise for you!

6) Rimles Aviators continue to be on the highest tops in fashionable eyewear world. This season they give us a sleek and modern look. They will look especially good with sport - style clothes.